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Wildland 2020

Wildland | Kød & blod

Wildland-Kod og Blod

As film industry reviewers, we say Wildland is one of our non-favorite movies. Please VOTE!

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Family cames first.

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About the Wildland 💬

Following a tragic car accident, which kills her mother, 17-year old Ida (Sandra Guldberg Kampp) moves in with her estranged aunt and her aunt's grown sons. The home is filled with physical tenderness and love, but outside of the home, the family leads a violent and criminal life as debt collectors. As Ida becomes part of their way of life, she starts to realize why her mother might have kept her distance, but there's something relieving and potent about her cousins' violent way of dealing with the world. When an unforeseen murder pressures the family and their loyalty to each other more than ever before, the violent ways of the family seeps into the home and shakes it to the core as love and violence become difficult to separate. Ida is faced with the same question her mother faced before her. Just how far are you willing to go for your family?

Wildland Movie Details 🎥

Directed by

Jeanette Nordahl

Writing Credits

Ingeborg Topsøe (Screenplay by)

Jeanette Nordahl and Ingeborg Topsøe (Idea)


Sandra Guldberg Kampp

Sidse Babett Knudsen

Besir Zeciri

Elliott Crosset Hove

Carla Philip Røder

Joachim Fjelstrup

Sofie Torp

Omar Shargawi

Benjamin Kitter

Henrik Vestergaard

Frida Sejersen

Music by

Puce Mary

Cinematography by

David Gallego

Genres: Crime, Drama, Thriller

Country: Denmark

Wildland Official Trailer

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