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Mélo 1986



As film industry reviewers, we say Mélo is one of our non-favorite movies. Please VOTE!

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Paris, the 1920s. A blossoming love triangle... doomed to fail.

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About the Mélo 💬

Paris, 1926. Romaine Belcroix (Sabine Azéma) seduces Marcel Blanc (André Dussollier), a violonist and a friend of her husband Pierre. She also tries to poison Pierre (Pierre Arditi), and gets suspected by her cousin Christiane Levesque (Fanny Ardant). Full of remorse, Romaine kills herself. Pierre marries Christiane. Three years later, as Pierre and Marcel meet again, Pierre finds out about his friend and defunct wife's affair. Mélo is the name of the game.

Mélo Movie Details 🎥

Directed by

Alain Resnais

Writing Credits

Alain Resnais (Adaptation)

Henri Bernstein (Play)


Sabine Azéma

Fanny Ardant

Pierre Arditi

André Dussollier

Jacques Dacqmine

Hubert Gignoux

Catherine Arditi

Music by


Cinematography by

Charles Van Damme

Genres: Drama, Romance

Country: France

Mélo Official Trailer

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