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Body of My Enemy 1976

Body of My Enemy | Le Corps de mon ennemi

Body of My Enemy-Le Corps de mon ennemi

As film industry reviewers, we say Body of My Enemy is one of our non-favorite movies. Please VOTE!

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‎The Body of My Enemy

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About the Body of My Enemy 💬

"In the morning glad I see; My foe outstretched beneath the tree."
- William Blake

François Leclercq (Jean-Paul Belmondo), convicted of a double murder that he didn't commit, is released from prison. He searches for the real assassins, in a city where the big textile bourgeoisie reigns...

Body of My Enemy Movie Details 🎥

Directed by

Henri Verneuil

Writing Credits

Henri Verneuil, Michel Audiard and Félicien Marceau (Screenplay)

Félicien Marceau (Novel)


Jean-Paul Belmondo

Bernard Blier

Marie-France Pisier

Charles Gérard

Daniel Ivernel

Claude Brosset

Michel Beaune

François Perrot

René Lefèvre

Nicole Garcia

Yvonne Gaudeau

Suzy Prim

Jean Dasté

Jacques David

Jean Turlier

Elisabeth Margoni

Monique Mélinand

Bernard-Pierre Donnadieu

André Reybaz

Maurice Jacquemont

Françoise Bertin

Anne Delsalle

Music by

Francis Lai

Cinematography by

Jean Penzer

Genres: Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller

Country: France

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