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Attraction 2017

Attraction | Gravity | Prityazhenie | Притяжение


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The Earth is for Humans.

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About the Attraction 💬

''... According to the report that has just come in, the unidentified flying object shot down over Moscow is alleged of extraterrestrial origin. The major part of Chertanovo area is cordoned off and police and military defense are coming to the crash site. The officials are discussing a possible emergency evacuation of the locals. Our source in Ministry of defense says a special committee is now trying to establish contact with the visitors. We are now preparing a special news report to stay tuned to be the first to learn more soon''

  • The first contact will happen extremely close.

Man's first contact with aliens does not go as expected. An unidentified object appears in the sky over Moscow, ending in catastrophe. This new threat unites humanity, forcing them to forget about recent conflicts. While the authorities try to figure out what kind of creatures they are dealing with, our protagonist, who has lost her friend, sneaks into the restricted zone. She is the first to meet the enemy face-to-face, only to realize how wrong we were...

''GO HOME!''

Attraction Movie Details 🎥

Directed by

Fedor Bondarchuk

Writing Credits

Andrey Zolotarev

Oleg Malovichko


Irina Starshenbaum

Alexander Petrov

Rinal Mukhametov

Oleg Menshikov

Lyudmila Maksakova

Evgeniy Sangadzhiev

Nikita Kukushkin

Evgeniy Mikheev

Darya Rudenok

Aleksey Maslodudov

Anton Shpinkov

Sergey Garmash

Nikita Tarasov

Music by

Ivan Burlyaev

Cinematography by

Mikhail Khasaya

Genres: Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi (Science Fiction)

Countries: Russia

Attraction Official Trailer

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