Rememory 2017
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Rememory |
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We are nothing more than the memories we keep.
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About the Rememory 💬
You can't escape them. They're everywhere. All around us. They shackle us. They bring tears to our eyes. They make us laugh. They bring us pain. And some provide us the hope we need. In a strange way, they are the constant we have, when everything around us changes.
Memories are arguably the most powerful singular quality we possess. They inform our choices and ultimately it is those choices that lead us down the long road of life. REMEMORY explores the complex mystery of the mind. The idea that, if we can re-experience our memories, can we change the effect they have on us? Can we move on from our past? And if so, can we lead different lives by altering those memories? What if someone else got a hold of our memories? Can our own memories be used as blackmail? Do they serve to keep us tethered or make us grow?
The concept of memory exploration has always fascinated me. When I think back on my own memories I'm constantly amazed at the ones that stand out. Why do they hold more power over others? Does the brain have a selection process? Through the research we have done, the answers are extremely complex. Truthfully, in the scientific community, very few concrete answers are known about memory. What is known is that our memories are completely flawed and inaccurate. New discoveries are made every year. And through the all-encompassing nature of cinema, we can attempt to dive into the vast ocean of our mind and its creation of memory. As a filmmaker, I want to explore the unexplored. There is something very cinematic about memories. They are vivid, heightened, stylized, edited, evocative, and can be extremely emotional.
Our entrance into this story is through the machine's inventor, Gordon Dunn. He is a brilliant psychologist, a scientific mind, a pioneer in his field, slightly eccentric and a mediocre husband to Carolyn. Like all of us, he is flawed. While his search into memories begins with his test subjects, he is definitely trying to decipher his own behavior. He is trying to alter his past. The basis for classic psychology is trying to heal the patients present through their past. Gordon's invention is groundbreaking. As with most advances in technology, things quickly spiral out of control. This is where our story begins...
Much of this comes as we are tracking the mystery behind Gordon's death. I believe the key to this approach is through our amazing lead, Peter Dinklage. As an actor, he carries so much in his eyes, that we have no choice but to want to go with him on this journey. It's a depth and an integrity that very few actors possess. For a story that covers death, birth, infidelity, inadequacy, technology, the past, the future and the spectrum of love, we need actors who can carry us through all those elements. The greatest movies create characters that hold a mirror up to humanity and hold our hands as we walk alongside them. The beauty of REMEMORY is that it forces us to reflect on our own collective past. To re-evaluate what it is that makes us the people we are.
The film begins with a mysterious death. From there we are thrown into the worlds of two very different characters that haven't really started living. It is the dynamic between Carolyn and Sam that unlocks the keys to the story. My hope is that as the scenes unfold, so will our perceptions of the characters. They change throughout the story in unpredictable ways. Between the visuals and the editing, we play with a narrative similar to memories. Allowing the audience to be engaged in the puzzle of the film.
Our memories belong to us, existing in our mind's eye like films about ghosts, replaying when we need them or want them to, piecing together a life for us alone.
Or, they used to.
Director Mark Palansky, who also co-wrote the script with Mike Vukadinovich, recalls how the film began as an intriguing question of ''…What if?'' that became an examination of how we all interact with the past.
''When I first had the idea for the film, it was simple. To go back into your younger memories, but as an adult and stand in that space,'' says Palansky. ''At that time, I hadn't done any research yet on memory. I've since done some research into how our brains store memories, and I discovered that our memories are incredibly flawed. Most of our memories are actually formed around photographs: We think we remember our sixth birthday, but it's really based on a photograph of our sixth birthday, and our brain extrapolates from that. When I met with neuroscientists and doctors who specialize in memory, I learned we completely rewrite our own memory. Every time your brain recalls a memory, it re-synthesizes it, and by re-synthesizing it, the memory goes through changes each time it's recalled.''
''So, it was sort of a revelation to keep researching and reading about how filtered our recall is, and how we write our own stories around our memories rather than them being accurate representations of what happened,'' Palansky adds. ''It was an amazing jumping off point. And it's extremely cinematic because memories are like movies - they can be evocative little glimpses of something from your past, or something really powerful, whether it's your first kiss or first break up. Whatever it is.''
The Machine, as Dunn's invention is called in REMEMORY, acts as a sort of memory-fixer, allowing people to see their memories in the precise way they occurred - and lets others see them as well by viewing the small glass discs Dunn stores them on.
''The Machine at the center of the film can extract, record and play your pure memory, exactly as they happened. No color, no filter. Some are simple, some are more profound, but they’re all the pure image of the past,'' Palansky explains. ''It uncovers revelations when people are faced with the actual truth of their past instead of the past that they've imagined. And so this movie is an exploration into your past to find the person you are today.''
Though REMEMORY straddles several very popular genres - psychological drama, speculative fiction, neo-noir - Palansky, and his team knew there was a larger canvas they could work with.
''REMEMORY is a look at a piece of our humanity,'' says Palansky. ''We all have memories - specific ones, random ones, emotional ones, dramatic ones - and you have no choice but to insert yourself into at least the concept of the film. It doesn't need to be Sam Bloom's story necessarily that you relate to, but hopefully, you can relate to the idea of, 'Who am I, and am I truly the sum of my memories?' ''
Mark Palansky
Rememory Movie Details 🎥
Directed by
Mark Palansky
Writing Credits
Mark Palansky
Mike Vukadinovich
Peter Dinklage
Julia Ormond
Martin Donovan
Anton Yelchin
Henry Ian Cusick
Matt Ellis
Gracyn Shinyei
Evelyne Brochu
Music by
Gregory Tripi
Cinematography by
Gregory Middleton
Genres: Drama, Mystery, Sci-Fi (Science Fiction), Thriller
Countries: Canada, United States
Rememory Official Trailer
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