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Land of the Dead 2005

Land of the Dead

Land of the Dead

As film industry reviewers, we say Land of the Dead is one of our non-favorite movies. Please VOTE!

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The dead shall inherit the Earth.

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About Land of the Dead 💬

LAND OF THE DEAD finds humanity's last remnants battling to survive the unspeakable truth: The ravenous zombie hordes besieging their fortified city... are evolving!

  • Rise of the Zombies.

In this tale of terror, George A. Romero creates a harrowing vision of a modern-day world where the walking dead roam a vast uninhabited wasteland and the living try to lead "normal" lives behind the high walls of a fortified city. A new society has been built by a hand of ruthless opportunists, who live in luxury in the towers of a skyscraper, high above the less fortunate citizens who must eke out a hard life on the streets below. With the survival of the city at stake, a group of mercenaries is called into action to protect the living from the evolving army of the dead waiting outside the city walls.

Land of the Dead Movie Details 🎥

Directed by

George Andrew Romero

Writing Credits

George Andrew Romero


Simon Baker

Robert Joy

Asia Argento

John Leguizamo

Tony Nappo

Joanne Boland

Tony Munch

Shawn Roberts

Jennifer Baxter

Eugene Clark

Dennis Hopper

Gene Mack

Jonathan Whittaker

Peter Outerbridge

Jonathan Walker

Peter Outerbridge

Boyd Banks

Jasmin Geljo

Maxwell McCabe-Lokos

Pedro Miguel Arce

Sasha Roiz

Krista Bridges

Alan Van Sprang

Bruce McFee

Devon Bostick

Phil Fondacaro

Earl Pastko

Music by

Johnny Klimek

Reinhold Heil

Cinematography by

Miroslaw Baszak

Genres: Horror, Sci-Fi (Science Fiction), Thriller

Countries: France, Canada, United States

Followed by: Diary of the Dead (2007) - Survival of the Dead (2009)

Land of the Dead Official Trailer

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