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Miss Bala 2019

Miss Bala: Sin Piedad

Miss Bala: Sin Piedad

As film industry reviewers, we say Miss Bala is one of our non-favorite movies. Please VOTE!

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Ordinary Becomes Extraordinary.

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About the Miss Bala 💬

  • Who would you become to save your family?

Gloria Fuentes (Gina Rodriguez), drives to Tijuana, Mexico to visit her best friend who is competing in the local "Miss Baja" beauty pageant. During a night out, her friend is abducted and Gloria finds herself a pawn in a dangerous game being played by the CIA, the DEA and a charismatic yet ruthless cartel kingpin. Finding power she never knew she had, Gloria plays one organization against the other, as she seeks to rescue her friend. Surviving will require all of her cunning, inventiveness, and strength.

Miss Bala Movie Details 🎥

Directed by

Catherine Hardwicke

Writing Credits

Gareth Dunnet-Alcocer


Gina Rodriguez

Ismael Cruz Cordova

Ricardo Abarca

Anthony Mackie

Matt Lauria

Omar Ayala

Cristina Rodlo

Sebastián Cano

Damián Alcázar

Aislinn Derbez

Music by

Alex Heffes

Cinematography by

Patrick Murguia

Genres: Action, Crime, Drama, Thriller

Countries: Mexico, United States

Miss Bala Official Trailer

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