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Ghost Town Anthology 2019

Ghost Town Anthology | Répertoire des villes disparues

Ghost Town Anthology-Repertoire des villes disparues

As film industry reviewers, we say Ghost Town Anthology is one of our non-favorite movies. Please VOTE!

Ghost Town Anthology is favorite or unfavorite?

An atmospheric portrait of a small Québécois community rocked by the death of a young man.

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About the Ghost Town Anthology 💬

  • When a young man commits suicide - or did he?

In Irenee-les-Neiges, a small, isolated town with a population of 215, Simon Dubé (Philippe Charrette) dies in a car accident. The stunned townspeople are reluctant to discuss the circumstances of the tragedy. From that point on, for the Dubé family as well as for Mayor Smallwood (Diane Lavallée) and a handful of others, time seems to lose all meaning, and the days stretch on without end. Something descends slowly upon the area. In this period of mourning and in this fog, strangers start to appear. Who are they? What is happening?

Ghost Town Anthology Movie Details 🎥

Directed by

Denis Côté

Writing Credits

Denis Côté (Written by)

Laurence Olivier (Loosely based on the novel by)


Philippe Charrette

Jean-Michel Anctil

Josée Deschênes

Robert Naylor

Rémi Goulet

Larissa Corriveau

Diane Lavallée

Jean Marchand

Sharon Ibgui

Normand Carrière

Jocelyne Zucco

Rachel Graton

Hubert Proulx

Cinematography by

François Messier-Rheault

Genres: Comedy, Drama, Fantasy, Mystery

Country: Canada

Ghost Town Anthology Official Trailer

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