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Humans 2009

Humans | Humains


As film industry reviewers, we say Humans is one of our non-favorite movies. Please VOTE!

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Are we the only humans on earth?

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About the Humans 💬

A team of several researchers travels to the Swiss Alps to investigate a scientific discovery on human evolution. The trip, however, turns into a deadly fight for survival when the team crash into a gully and find themselves falling prey to someone... or something.

Humans Movie Details 🎥

Directed by

Jacques-Olivier Molon

Pierre-Olivier Thevenin

Writing Credits

Dominique Néraud, Frédérique Henri and Silvan Boris Schmid (Scenario)

Alberto Sciamma and Jean-Armand Bougrelle (Collaboration)

Dominique Néraud and Silvan Boris Schmid (Original Story)


Sara Forestier

Lorànt Deutsch

Dominique Pinon

Manon Tournier

Élise Otzenberger

Philippe Nahon

Christian Kmiotek

Music by

Gast Waltzing

Cinematography by

Aleksander Kaufmann

Genres: Action, Adventure, Horror, Thriller

Countries: France, Switzerland, Luxembourg

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