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Life Is a Bed of Roses 1983

Life Is a Bed of Roses | La Vie est un Roman

Life Is a Bed of Roses-La Vie est un Roman

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Alain Resnais' tribute to three of France's most influential filmmakers is divided into three short stories.

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About the Life Is a Bed of Roses 💬

Divided into three related short stories, LIFE IS A BED OF ROSES is Alain Resnais' tribute to three of France's most influential filmmakers: Georges Méliès, Marcel L'Herbier, and Eric Rohmer.

LIFE IS A BED OF ROSES is divided into three parallel narratives. The first section is set around the first decade of the twentieth century in the Ardennes, where Count Forbeck (Ruggero Raimondi) unveils his architect's designs for a utopian city. In a modern-day mirroring of this story, a group of professors now inhabiting Forbeck's castle seeks a new form of education through the use of the imagination, under the guidance of a guru named Walter Guarini (Vittorio Gassman). The third segment depicts a Wagnerian fantasy landscape of kings and dragons, which arises from the imagination of the children of some of the professors at the school.

Life Is a Bed of Roses Movie Details 🎥

Directed by

Alain Resnais

Writing Credits

Jean Gruault


Vittorio Gassman

Fanny Ardant

André Dussollier

Ruggero Raimondi

Geraldine Chaplin

Sabine Azéma

Martine Kelly

Pierre Arditi

Jean-Louis Richard

Lucienne Hamon

Robert Manuel

Samson Fainsilber

Véronique Silver

Michel Muller

Nathalie Holberg

Guillaume Boisseau

Rodolphe Schacher

Sabine Thomas

Hélène Patarot

Music by


Cinematography by

Bruno Nuytten

Genres: Drama, Comedy, Musical

Country: France

Life Is a Bed of Roses Official Trailer

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