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Neruda 2016

Pablo Neruda


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About Neruda 💬

  • A renowned poet. An unknown inspector. A legendary manhunt.

It's 1948 and the Cold War has reached Chile. In Congress, Senator Pablo Neruda (Luis Gnecco) accuses the government of betrayal and is swiftly impeached by President Gabriel González Videla (Alfredo Castro). Police Prefect Óscar Peluchonneau (Gael García Bernal) is assigned to arrest the poet.

  • The chase is on.

Neruda tries to flee the country with his wife Delia del Carril (Mercedes Morán), but they are forced into hiding. In the struggle with his nemesis Peluchonneau, Neruda sees an opportunity to reinvent himself. He plays with the Prefect, leaving clues designed to make their game of cat-and-mouse more dangerous, more intimate. In this story of persecution, Neruda recognizes his own heroic possibilities: a chance to become both a symbol for liberty and a literary legend.

Neruda Movie Details 🎥

Directed by

Pablo Larraín

Writing Credits

Guillermo Calderón


Luis Gnecco

Gael Garcia Bernál

Mercedes Morán

Diego Muñoz

Pablo Derqui

Michael Silva

Jaime Vadell

Alfredo Castro

Marcelo Alonso

Francisco Reyes

Alejandro Goic

Emilio Gutiérrez Caba

Néstor Cantillana

Music by

Federico Jusid

Cinematography by

Sergio Armstrong

Category: Golden Globes, Golden Globe Nominee

Genres: Biography, Crime, Drama, History, Thriller

Countries: Chile, Argentina, France, Spain, United States

Neruda Official Trailer

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