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The Fog 1980

The Fog

The Fog

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What you can't see won't hurt you... it'll kill you!

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About The Fog 💬

''All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream.''

Edgar Allan Poe

  • It is night. It is cold. It is coming.

A weather-beaten old fisherman tells an ancient tale of betrayal and death to fascinated children as they huddle together by their campfire. As a piece of driftwood in a child's hand glows with spectral light an eerie fog envelops the bay, and from its midst emerge dripping demonic victims of a century-old shipwreck... seeking revenge against a small California coastal town...

  • 100 years ago, it moved across a small town creating a terror no human being should ever live to see again! Now, it has returned.

THE FOG brings with it the souls of the dammed. Fog is nothing new to the quaint seaside village of Antonio Bay, California. But on the night of its 100th anniversary, a fogbank rolls in unlike any other.

  • Lock your doors. Bolt your windows. There's something in The Fog!

Eerie lights, dark figures, and the masts of an ancient schooner appear in the swirling mists, and soon the specters of long-murdered sailors descend upon the town.

  • When the fog rolls in... the terror begin! Don't get lost in the fog...

Using knife, hook and sword, they exact revenge for sins committed by the town's founding fathers, leaving horrified survivors struggling to solve a hundred-year crime. And they must solve it - or die.

John Carpenter's tale of vengeance beyond the grave...

The Fog Movie Details 🎥

Directed by

John Carpenter

Writing Credits

John Carpenter

Debra Hill


Adrienne Barbeau

Jamie Lee Curtis

John Houseman

Janet Leigh

Tom Atkins

James Canning

Charles Cyphers

Sandy Nancy Kyes

Ty Mitchell

Hal Holbrook

John F. Goff

George 'Buck' Flower

Regina Waldon

Jim Haynie

Darrow Igus

John Vick

Jim Jacobus

Fred Franklyn

Darwin Joston

John Carpenter

Debra Hill

Music by

John Carpenter

Cinematography by

Dean Cundey

Genres: Horror, Thriller

Country: United States

Remade as: The Fog (2005)

The Fog Official Trailer

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