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Dogs Don't Wear Pants 2019

Dogs Don't Wear Pants | Koirat eivät käytä housuja | Hundar har inte byxor

Dogs Don't Wear Pants-Koirat eivat kayta housuja-Hundar har inte byxor

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About the Dogs Don't Wear Pants 💬

Juha (Pekka Strang) has lost his wife in a drowning accident. Years after, he still feels numb and unable to connect with people. Meeting Mona (Krista Kosonen), a dominatrix, changes everything. DOGS DON'T WEAR PANTS is a darkly humorous story of loss, love and the sweet pain of being. A death wish, or the threshold when pain overcomes grief. Director Jukka-Pekka Valkeapää says ''I hope there is a bit of Billy Wilder somewhere in my movie.''


Q: How did DOGS DON'T WEAR PANTS originate, and what was the process of developing this unique story?

J.-P. Valkeapää: One day Aleksi Bardy, the producer of our film, shared the central idea from a script by the writer Juhana Lumme with me. What he told me was: ''A man loses his wife in a drowning accident. In the moment he also goes unconscious underwater, he sees her alive again. After some years living in constant mourning, he meets a dominatrix by chance. He begins to go to her for 'suffocation sessions' and while he is being asphyxiated, he finds his wife again, through the visions he has while he is unable to breathe.

The idea had been in development for years but so far without a successful outcome. It was still just a concept. From the start I loved the central idea, it was beautiful and strong. But in order to tell the story, I had to begin writing it basically from scratch, as my views of humanity and the world in general were all very different from the draft scripts. And even with some ideas already in place, it was a hard script to write.

I had to find the right balance in all of the stories and relationships: between Juha and Mona, Juha and his daughter, Juha and his wife. All of them were important, as was the tone and the 'weight' the story took on. With such a heavy subject, I also felt a certain level of lightness was necessary. But what could bring that lightness? The black humor started to seep in the script at some stage, and spread all through it over time. It felt right and like the perfect way to ground the madness of the story.

Q: What was your own experience in the BDSM world?

J.-P. Valkeapää: My experience prior to the film was only superficial: I knew BDSM only from what I had seen in movies and photographs, or on TV. But as my understanding of the BDSM world grew I had the conviction that it was necessary and important to show the empathetic nature that is an important part of it: The strong and genuine bond between people it creates. The way trust was so central to it. How people could venture deeply into their fantasies and obsessions, in a spirit of total openness and psychological nakedness.

Q: As a director how did you balance sensationalism or quick thrills with authenticity in the depiction of the BDSM world?

J.-P. Valkeapää: For me, it is mostly about the fundamentals of creating an image: what do you put in the frame and what do you leave out? For me, the film was always about people, not the S/M paraphernalia, although I find that pretty fascinating too. What I mean is that the visual focus of the key scenes between Juha and Mona had to be in their eyes, not in their butts. In my view, the major part of an S/M experience takes place in the minds of the participants, and the suits and the whole apparatus are there to make the fantasy more concrete.

Dogs Don't Wear Pants Movie Details 🎥

Directed by

J.-P. Valkeapää

Writing Credits

J.-P. Valkeapää

Juhana Lumme


Pekka Strang

Krista Kosonen

Ilona Huhta

Jani Volanen

Oona Airola

Iiris Anttila

Ester Geislerová

Ellen Karppo

Samuel Shipway

Music by

Pietari Peltola

Cinematography by

Mervi Junkkonen

Genre: Drama

Countries: Finland, Latvia

Dogs Don't Wear Pants Official Trailer

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