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Grey Lady 2017

Grey Lady

Grey Lady

As film industry reviewers, we say Grey Lady is one of our non-favorite movies. Please VOTE!

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About the Grey Lady 💬

A Boston police officer goes to Nantucket to investigate the murder of his partner but finds more than he bargained for.

When Boston homicide detective James Doyle's (Eric Dane) partner is killed in an ambush, her dying words provide him with a clue that sends him to the remote island of Nantucket. There in the grey off-season when streets are empty, his hunt for the killer leads him to the heart of island where not even he can hide from the truth.

Grey Lady Movie Details 🎥

Directed by

John Shea

Writing Credits

John Shea (Screenplay)

John Shea and Armyan Bernstein (Story)


Eric Dane

Natalie Zea

Amy Madigan

Adrian Lester

Carolyn Stotesbery

Chris Meyer

Rebecca Gayheart

Laila Robins

John Shea

James Michael Cummings

Music by

A.W. Bullington

Cinematography by

Andrzej Bartkowiak

Genres: Crime, Drama, Mystery, Thriller

Country: United States

Grey Lady Official Trailer

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