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Flora 2017



As film industry reviewers, we say Flora is one of our non-favorite movies. Please VOTE!

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Some places are not meant to be explored.

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About the Flora 💬

In the spring of 1929: the end of the golden age of exploration - a small expedition of University botanists enter an uncharted forest system, on the North American frontier. What they discover, is an age-old organism: a flora, which lives alone, without the need for insect, mammal or birdlife to survive. Soon trapped in this forest, empty and toxic to all fauna, the expedition members must fight to survive, escape and understand the wild and terrifying flora that surrounds them.

FLORA is Sasha Louis Vukovic's feature directorial debut.

Flora Movie Details 🎥

Directed by

Sasha Louis Vukovic

Writing Credits

Sasha Louis Vukovic


Teresa Marie Doran

Dan Lin

Caleb Noel

Sari Mercer

Miles G. Jackson

William Aaron

Paul Turcot

Music by

Nathan Prillaman

Cinematography by

Eric Irvin

Genres: Adventure, Drama, History, Horror, Sci-Fi (Science Fiction), Thriller

Country: Canada

Flora Official Trailer

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