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Blood Hunt 2017

Blood Hunt

Blood Hunt

As film industry reviewers, we say Blood Hunt is one of our non-favorite movies. Please VOTE!

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Your worst fears will be realized.

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About the Blood Hunt 💬

An action-packed, waking nightmare of relentless brutality and merciless revenge, set against the harsh landscape of rural Australia.

Claire (Kahli Williams) has just been accepted into an elite interstate art university, where she hopes to finally escape her quiet suburban life, and fulfill her dream of becoming a successful photographer. Fearful of such a major change, her partner Dean (Dean Kirkright), a local tradesman, repeatedly rejects Claire's suggestions to relocate together, driving the couple further and further apart.

Together, they embark on an ill-fated road-trip into the Tasmanian countryside, in a last-ditch effort to get back-to-basics and work through their problems. But Just as the couple begin to repair their fractured relationship, and grow closer than ever, they are confronted by Knuck; a suspicious, menacing stranger, appearing under the guise of a local in need of assistance.

What follows is a disturbing, visceral journey into the world of a sadistic group of predators, in which the couple's worst fears will be realized, and their very humanity tested beyond boundary.

''In taking the time to develop our main characters, then pitting them against this threat together, we can explore the dynamics of their relationship, and how the trauma affects them collectively in a really interesting way,'' says director Sam Curtain. ''In the past, horror has been seen by some as a bit of a cheap cinematic thrill, but public opinion has been changing, and, as we hope 'BLOOD HUNT' is an example of, the horror genre can facilitate really compelling and emotionally engaging storytelling.''

Blood Hunt Movie Details 🎥

Directed by

Sam Curtain

Writing Credits

Sam Curtain

Danny Beaton

Thomas Roach


Dean Kirkright

Kahli Williams

Thomas Roach

Benjamin Denmeade

Eli Halliwell

Music by

Matt Rudduck

Cinematography by

Leuke Marriott

Genres: Action, Horror, Thriller

Country: Australia

Blood Hunt Official Trailer

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