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Arrhythmia 2017

Arrhythmia | Aritmiya | Аритмия | Arytmia


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A paramedic devoted to his patients struggles to make time for his wife who begins to believe his patients are more important to him that she is.

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About the Arrhythmia 💬

Oleg Mironov (Aleksandr Yatsenko) is almost thirty. He's a talented paramedic, working on ambulance calls, day after day rushing from one patient to another. Oleg knows: his visit can save a life. His every single success makes the world a better place. Calls, where his is able to do the impossible, are the most important. The rest can wait: family, career, his own life... What happened to it, by the way? While Oleg was busy saving others, his wife Katya (Irina Gorbacheva) became desperate a decided to file for divorce, and a new chief has been appointed to Oleg's department who only cares about rules and statistics. Yet Oleg is still running from one house call to another, rushing down the street, trying to change everything. And who knows which one is easier - saving others, or saving yourself?

Filmmaker Boris Khlebnikov provides a heartfelt portrait of love and incompatibility, and in so doing reflects on the social turmoils of modern-day Russia.

Arrhythmia Movie Details 🎥

Directed by

Boris Khlebnikov

Writing Credits

Boris Khlebnikov

Nataliya Meshchaninova


Aleksandr Yatsenko

Irina Gorbacheva

Nikolay Shrayber

Sergey Nasedkin

Maksim Lagashkin

Aleksandr Samoylenko

Anna Kotova

Valentina Mazunina

Cinematography by

Alisher Khamidkhodzhaev

Genres: Drama, Comedy

Countries: Russia, Finland, Germany

Arrhythmia Official Trailer

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