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Amelia 2.0-2017

Amelia 2.0

Amelia 2.0

As film industry reviewers, we say Amelia 2.0 is one of our non-favorite movies. Please VOTE!

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Life after death.

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About the Amelia 2.0 💬

A desperate husband offers up his wife's dying brain to be the first consciousness downloaded into a robotic replica. But is the result really the woman he loves? Or is it something else entirely? Amelia 2.0 fights political controversy, emotional turmoil, and her right to exist.

Amelia 2.0 Movie Details 🎥

Directed by

Adam Orton

Writing Credits

Rob Merritt


Angela Billman

Ben Whitehair

Eddie Jemison

Kamar de los Reyes

Kate Vernon

Debra Wilson

Chris Ellis

Ed Begley Jr.

Music by

Michael A. Levine

Cinematography by

Camrin Petramale

Genres: Drama, Romance, Sci-Fi (Science Fiction)

Countries: United States

Amelia 2.0 Trailer

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