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The Girl Who Invented Kissing 2017

The Girl Who Invented Kissing

The Girl Who Invented Kissing

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Every town needs a savior... But not every town can be saved.

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About The Girl Who Invented Kissing 💬

  • A chance encounter can change everything.

THE GIRL WHO INVENTED KISSING follows the life of a nameless, pill-popping drifter girl (Suki Waterhouse) who steps off a bus and into a neighborhood bar owned by two middle-aged brothers Jimmy (Vincent Plazza) and Victor (Dash Mihok). She quickly befriends older brother Victor, a good-natured simple man with learning disabilities. The mysterious ''Girl'' soon upsets the delicate balance of the brothers' lives while bringing both trouble and new life into the world of these resigned characters.

The Girl Who Invented Kissing Movie Details 🎥

Directed by

Tom Sierchio

Writing Credits

Tom Sierchio


Vincent Piazza

Dash Mihok

Suki Waterhouse

Abbie Cornish

Luke Wilson

Johnny Messner

Corey Large

Michael Buscemi

Brooke Hoover

David Hennessey

Luciana Faulhaber

Louisa Ward

Cinematography by

Joe DeSalvo

Genres: Drama, Family, Romance

Country: United States

The Girl Who Invented Kissing Official Trailer

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