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Non Stop Trouble with Spies 1983

Non Stop Trouble with Spies | Der Schnüffler

Non Stop Trouble with Spies-Der Schnüffler

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Herbie Melbourne is a cabbie, a KGB agent, a CIA agent, and a bottle sniffer - and he is falling in love with his gorgeous therapist.

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About the Non Stop Trouble with Spies 💬

Herbert Böckmann (Didi Hallervorden) is a poor schlemiel who is inadvertently caught between the Devil and the deep blue sea in this German farce about a cab driver assigned to bring a 'comrade' back to the East German side of the Berlin wall, a passenger who is dead to the world, permanently, when he arrives.

Herbie the cabbie is recruited by the KGB and East German Intelligence to help them discover who murdered the man in his back seat. After arriving on the West German side of the divide, Herbie is then recruited by the CIA and West German Intelligence to become a counterspy, for double what the other side is paying him. As Herbie seems to have no viable way out of this mess, he does what many have done before him, he goes to a therapist Anna (Catherine Alric) for help. Reaching into her bag of tricks, the therapist gives Herbie a small bottle he can sniff when in need of self-confidence, an act guaranteed to put him on top of any situation. Now Herbie is a cabbie, a KGB agent, a CIA agent, and a bottle sniffer - and he is falling in love with his gorgeous therapist.

Non Stop Trouble with Spies Movie Details 🎥

Directed by

Ottokar Runze

Writing Credits

Christian Rateuke

Hartmann Schmige


Dieter Hallervorden

Catherine Alric

Tilo Prückner

Siegfried Wischnewski

Utz Richter

Anton Diffring

Peter Kuiper

Gustl Bayrhammer

Eddie Constantine

Hans Schellbach

Nikolaus Dutsch

Charles Regnier

Siegfried Kernen

Joachim Wichmann

Maximilian Rüthlein

Hans-Joachim Grubel

Manfred Lehmann

Carl Duering

Music by

Wilhelm Dieter Siebert

Cinematography by

Michael Epp

Genres: Crime, Comedy

Country: Germany

Non Stop Trouble with Spies Official Trailer

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