Dare to Be Wild 2015
Dare to Be Wild
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Dare to Be Wild |
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A film for the dreamer in all of us.
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About the Dare to Be Wild 💬
- Based on the incredible true story.
DARE TO BE WILD a romantic adventure on the true story of two young environmentalists, whose quest is to show the world the power of wild nature.
- Throw a lifeline to the wilderness.
Mary Reynolds (Emma Greenwell) grew up with a strong affinity to the environment and a belief that somehow it was her destiny to use her talent as a designer to put environmental issues center stage. DARE TO BE WILD follows her journey from naïve and impressionable ingénue to an impassioned and pioneering designer. Along the way, she gathers a team of eccentric and unconventional artisans whom she believes fully understand her vision and they are the only ones who have the ability to execute her plan for a wild garden at the Chelsea Flower Show. As this ragtag and bobtail crew begin their work in the intensively competitive but uniquely conservative and establishment atmosphere of Chelsea, the other competitors are amused at their methods and sneer at her crew of 'hippies'. Soon however they realize that unconventional does not mean uncompetitive, and are forced to reassess their view when ultimately she triumphs and takes the top prize.
''Mary Reynolds is the youngest woman to win a Gold Medal for garden design since the Chelsea Flower Show commenced in 1913. After her victory 2002, the British Government sponsored Mary to build a bio-diverse garden at the Royal Botanic Gardens, in Kew near London. Mary campaigns for the protection of natural habitats by bringing the power of wild nature back to city parks, roof terraces and into your own backyard. She is listed as one of the top ten landscape designers of all time. Christy Collard still works with his family's business Future Forests, in West Cork, Ireland. He and Mary remain close friends, and collaborate on projects to restore nature and raise awareness for the wild. The Futaro Fund for forests founded by Japanese writer, Kaori Niitsuma, continues to expand in the Ethiopian Highlands, proving the desert can bloom again.''
''People travel the world over to visit untouched places of natural beauty, yet modern gardens pay little heed to the simplicity and beauty of these environments... those special places we must preserve and protect, each in his own way, before they are lost forever.''
- Mary Reynolds, Chelsea Competition Application, November 2001
A word from Director Vivienne DeCourcy;
''It is ironic that the highlands of Ethiopia used to be covered in forests, but over the millennia, due to man's immediate needs, desertification took over. Along with enlightened Ethiopians, organizations like the Japanese Charity Futuro Fund for Forests are valiantly trying to redress this cycle. As Christy Collard says in DARE TO BE WILD; 'we need millions and millions of trees' in order for millions and millions of people to survive.''
Dare to Be Wild Movie Details 🎥
Directed by
Vivienne De Courcy
Writing Credits
Vivienne De Courcy
Emma Greenwell
Tom Hughes
Christine Marzano
Janie Dee
Alex Macqueen
Lorna Quinn
Alaa Safi
Michael Hough
Danny Kehoe
Gillian Bolt
Séainín Brennan
Liam Burke
Deirdre Monaghan
Clelia Murphy
Brendan Somers
Music by
Colm Mac Con Iomaire
Cinematography by
Cathal Watters
Genres: Adventure, Biography, Drama, Romance
Country: Ireland
Dare to Be Wild Official Trailer
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